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Poetry Singles

Single and on standalone, but far from being anyone's clone. See if you can condone

Planet Earth series

Published on 01 January 2020

Planet Earth


Like a slight of your pride it hurts

When you're pushed into the system they've labeled you in

Different colours, different faces

Recycled phases of fake political spaces

Black and white - pawned on the chessboard

Hypnotised by class and status

Can't sit still, gotta make moves, right?

Bachelors, Masters, PhD

Make as much money as I can

More means access, more means status

So what's next?

Different colours, different faces

Recycled phases of fake political spaces

Another case of racism, sexism, instilled hatred

Nevermind, I'll just start a family and focus my life around that

The same old story, fam

The world spins round and round

Lessons have to get learned


Like a slight of your pride it hurts

When you realise he or she never was yours

It was just your turn

Like an endless carousel loop

Picking your luggage as you see fit

Your insecurities and your parent's prejudices masking itself as your standards and preferences

Rebel or conformist?

And what you think you want is really just a cellotape strip covering up all your fears and uncertainties

So your heart flutters when you lock eyes with that stranger that seems to have the same concerns as yours

And then it breaks when you realise life isn't a romance novel or a love song

But you're still a romantic at heart, uh?

Sliced and diced, so your next partner you think you pick more mindfully

Then it's time to tie the knot, hahaha

Get it? You're tying your own knot

Five years later your fears and uncertainties start dripping through again

And now you're sitting in a pool entangled in that knot

Maybe with a child or two as well - luggage fuller than ever before

Discontent, hate, raise a finger, point and blame

You just want that flutter in your heart again

So what's next? Welcoming attention from outside your knot

Or catching flights not feelings

Back into different colours, different faces

Coz see, like a slight of your pride it hurts

When you realise nothing ever was yours

It was just your turn on the carousel

And everything you thought you wanted, it burns

The same old story, fam

The world spins round and round

Lessons have to get learned



Planet Earth: New World


Take away my pride, what hurts?

Am I really just this piece of luggage

Spinning round and round

Able to do nothing

Only to live out the same life my parents did

Of course not

Not when I have the ability for all this shape-shifting feeling and awareness

But where does it come from

Where is the source?

I need to know

Inspect the system and find out how it works

Pulling off layer after layer

Onion rings, burning eyes

Trial and error, try and another error

Pulling off layer after layer

Onion rings, but my eyes are getting used to it now

See it's too easy to finger-point blame just like my parents did and play victim

I can only play the hand I was dealt

And it was only when I rediscovered who I really am when the power just kicked in

Now I can only live life as a fearless King, fam

And I've got to face these demons doesn't matter how much money I earn

Like a game of hide and seek

Since birth, there's always been a guiding voice

Cold or warm

Can I drift out to the cold? Of course

But it's a game of discernment with my deepest feeling, intuition

So the warmth will eventually guide me home again, of course

Staying on course because it's of course

Get it? Hahaha

What's of course, it can only be the source

Coz see, when I see the discerning feeling this clearly

How can I ever go back to being vexed or perplexed

If you're with me I need you to see this

No more getting stuck in knots



My desire

Like a spark within me

Now I am burning everything around

Bodies soundly dropping about


                               | I need everyone to have a peep

                                  Have a peep right now, everyone

                                  This is an extreme outlier

                                  This is extreme |


My desire

Like a spark within me

Now I am burning everything around

Bodies soundly dropping about


You couldn't set a proof

Let alone come up with a set

That would measure this blast

Last doesn't always mean you weren't fast

It could mean you were in store

On sale, ready to be bailed out

Of hell, so that you can have a tale to tell

Hell, it could mean you were cast aside

Not ever have been treated right

Or it could mean you have been saved

For the best of me, heat and other things

To come, and hum and hum

Sung, melodies are probably your best bet

Of gauging these beats


My desire

Like a spark within me

Now I am burning everything around

Bodies soundly dropping about

Published on 12 October 2018


Luke Hiiighwalker


What's new?

What's month of the flavour?

Do you get a sense that you're in danger?


You come up and say your stars are at war

That morals have gone out the door

That you quite don't know what's in store


Okay, sure


I come up with my lore

A shift is coming extinguishing that which I adore

Gatewaykeeper, lightsabingseeper

I'm clearly the one with access to the force

And don't worry you're not on my crash course

But your gut is certainly true

An undercurrent high pressure wave is due

And guess what, it's blue

Now, I wonder who's best adept at that

And important life tasks such as paying off their debt

Karma is pulling on the wheel

And if you're not careful enough, your skin it might peel

Causing all your little whites to reveal

Negotiation is off the table so I doubt you can push for a deal

But I suppose that's the price you pay, for in your words you conceal

Meanwhile, I'm what's real, I feel and feel, a natural heal-

Errr.. I'll send Chewy to chew on your cashews

How do you still not know I'm the empath that picks up on your issues?

And I carry all the tools that can carve out and nail down your statues

But like I said, there ain't no more bless yous for you achoos

Neither am I handing out tissues for your misuse

Published on 12 October 2018



They tell me heaven is a mind state

So now I'm just trying to think in hindsight

To prove this theory wrong or right

I'm a Mythbuster

I take these streams and I group them per cluster

My academia cannot be empirically evidenced

Because I connect with galaxies

That interpret their science and signs

In dimensions otherworldly

Out of this world,  9D, 10D

Back to this world, 3D, 4D

Only my time ticks and tocks different from yours

Everything is now in my mind

And all the things that I forget

Are still a part of me, unsustained

Unable to be contained

And this is how I am able

To taxonomise syllables with emotional beats

Similarly to the tune in which my heart beats


My last breath is somewhere out there in the waves

From Atlantic to Pacific to Indian

My range is forever eclectic and elastic

So when the carbon dioxide mixes with salt water

You get carbonic acid that sacrifices some of its protons

To become bicarbonate

So that means my spirit exists in twos

My Sun double a Capricorn

Doubled to neutralise your sour feelings

And those protons out there on their lonely

They will hit negativity

And spark up the world for now

And forever till I'm gone

And then all that's left is me as acidic oxide

Widely reactive but still able to give life

And that's where you come in to balance the equation

I need you, I need you, I need you

To ease my mind

Whenever I seem to forget what I am capable of

Published on 5 May 2018

'I Am Freed'


Demand of insistent attention

Either something will wither or stay in contention

It could depend on word of mouth therefore I will mention

Every little thing which I believe will spark traction

Whether it be attraction or subtraction

I cause a faction as I pile together my syntax structure

Particles fluctuate

And amidst this my hope for you is to dilute

As I concentrate

Now I don't hope to take away your agency

Or place myself in the heaven's be

Nor foul all your dearest out through flagrancy

I just need you to understand that I

I vibrate on my innermost beats

My energy drifts away from capitalist cheats

And there attention sits and tells me that money speaks

Who could be so weak?


I'm airing this because what more else is there to do

When one has already loved and died

The only essential and certainty in place for you

I feel it every day

When you look at me, you see it too

Together we could melt an igloo

I do to you what you would do for the truth

Only residually uncouth

As I cough up every demented spirit

That tries to invade this great pyramid

Of spheres, shaping us for years

And if this level is my peak,

I hope I do intrigue the future me's

To find clarity in what it seeks

Because they say I am a 1 095 weeks

Which means I've eighteenth'd my 10 000 hours

To master me, a legal skill complete

Now I can only fly per jet planes

A Jay Jay I must say as I continue to convey

And relay a story far from the mundane

You may never see it on a television screen

Because they still control how much of anyone gets to be seen

So that's commercial creed

I'll create -- publish it on the internet for you to read

Just so that you may one day feel one word, and say 'I am freed'

Published on 15 March 2018

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